
how we work.

A prospective client recently asked one of our references about working with LRG. Our reference described all the “pros” you could hope for a new agency, and then said we had one “con” – that our team would not stop asking questions or start on our work until we knew as much about their business as they did. That sounds accurate to us, and there’s a good reason for it. Before we start developing strategies, we need to know your business objectives, roadmaps, challenges, successes, projections and expectations. That way, we can build programs that specifically support your business plan.

Many of our new clients have hired us and already had preconceived ideas about what they want us to produce. In some cases, the campaigns we ultimately execute for new clients are much different from what they initially envisioned. Not for the sake of being different, but with the intent of delivering the best results.

Our strategies and deliverables are designed to meet clients’ specific needs and challenges – employing the best mix across the best selection of media vehicles to deliver the highest efficiencies and results. It’s that simple (and that’s hard).

Let us show you how it works.
