About Nicole Milillo

Nicole is the Media Director/Account Supervisor at LRG Marketing Communications.

You care about your metrics. Why?

Metrics seem to run every aspect of our lives. I’m sure there’s a metric for that statement. But what do metrics even mean? The sheer amount of information and pressure behind the word ‘metric’ itself is pretty incredible. Metrics can show the “good,” the “bad” and the “meh.” The bigger question is – are you [...]

You care about your metrics. Why?2017-05-02T10:53:57-04:00

Home is wherever I am

One day I walked into the office, placed my bag inside my cabinet and took a step back. I had never realized my space was almost completely bare aside from my computer, bamboo plant and a mini Aflac duck key chain. I had been with LRG Marketing for about three years at that point but [...]

Home is wherever I am2017-05-02T10:54:01-04:00

Keeping up with the Joneses

Everyone has had a time in their life where they’ve needed something. Remember Sea Monkeys? I couldn’t understand why my mom wouldn’t buy them for me along with the spinning wheel for the little guys to swim through. To my surprise, Sea Monkeys were actually brine shrimp. To my devastation, my mom never got them [...]

Keeping up with the Joneses2017-05-02T10:54:02-04:00

Our best agency client: the neighborhood cat

Meet Duchess. Yes, that’s her real name and she owns it like no one’s business. This cat has turned into our best agency client regardless of what anyone else says. Whether Duchess is paying the LRG office a visit or following one of us to our car after work, she lets us know exactly what [...]

Our best agency client: the neighborhood cat2017-05-02T10:54:02-04:00

How research can save your business

Have you ever been truly excited to begin a project? You strive for perfection, yet there is some unexplained need for instant gratification. The marketing and advertising world is full of this excitement; ideas adjust daily: Many studies break down the post timing of individual platforms, while noting that Facebook users tend to prefer short [...]

How research can save your business2017-05-02T10:54:03-04:00