As B2B brands are tasked with delivering more information to customers than ever before, blogging is taking on a bigger role in the quest for more content. Blogging creates a better SEO boost and informs customers and prospects of relevant news and trends; it’s also a useful tool for generating more leads.
Websites have evolved to be the most natural platform for blog posts and other types of content, with the term, “brand journalism” commonly used to describe the trend of taking on the responsibility of reporting and writing.
The problem is that like media publications, brands would need a team of writers in order to produce enough quality content to stand out from their competition. However, many don’t have the budgets or resources to meet those demands.
This is where we come in. Our team of writers will find creative ways to tell your company’s story on your blog. Whether it’s interviews with key executives, thought leadership pieces or a response to industry trends, we work with you to come up with fresh blog posts on a regular basis. In fact, we keep our own blog regularly updated with the kind of content that stands out.
Blogging also creates great social fodder to help get your followers engaged by sharing or retweeting your content and keeps them coming back to your website.
Do you want to learn what makes an ideal blog post? We’d be happy to share. Check out our tips on blogging for a B2B audience or email us at info@lrgmarketing.com and we’ll turn your blog into a valuable content hub.