follower building


At the core of any good social media program is an engaged audience with a critical mass of followers. LRG has strategies that will help you grow new followers and expand your reach.

We don’t believe in “buying” followers as it’s both a black-hat strategy and is counter-productive to our clients’ objectives. Instead, we advocate for a variety of paid and organic tactics to build your following.

On Twitter, we follow and interact with influencers, select industry publications and people who follow your competitors. Using this strategy, we quickly grow your supporters within the right audiences. We also unfollow inactive/spam accounts and people who don’t follow back to ensure your follower/following counts remain within accepted ratios.

We often recommend targeted ads to grow your following on Facebook and LinkedIn. We will make sure your fans and followers are right for your company and will engage with your updates. In addition, we’ll work with you to actively promote your LinkedIn page internally and externally so your page has the right exposure in your network.




focus areas within social media